Thursday, February 19, 2015

Burrowing For the Winter

First of all, mom went to the doctor today and all appears to be well with my development, so that's awesome. I'm really getting my sea-legs. I've done several laps around pool usually after mom eats so I work off the nutrients I'm being given. I'm told moving around the womb is great for your abs and your quads...whatever those are. As active as I am, though, the large man still can't feel me kick/move at all. I can't help but laugh because I can hear him bumbling around outside. Soon enough, dude, soon enough.

Secondly, this Blog really gets results. Remember how I told you my parents were being lazy when it came to my outside home? Well, I must've lit a fire because all of sudden: we have a crib and changing table! Not only that, but the clutter is gone. There are a few photos included. Shout out to my cousins Will and Max for parting with their goodies. Now, if we can just get some sweet decorations in there. Anything but letters - they what? Why would they do that when I clearly can't read?
Parents just don't understand. 

Changing Table


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hurry Up and Wait

With just four short months until my due date, my parents are totally slacking. They say I'm lazy because I just sit here and turn every few minutes, but if I'm so lazy, how is that I'm in the 60th percentile?! I'm kidding, I know size doesn't matter...

They're the lazy ones. My 'nursery' is nothing but a spare room with spare parts still in it. The Large Man had his friend, the Smaller Man, finally help him move the bigger furniture out of my room. But, it still doesn't look like a place where I wanna hang out. I included a picture below...pathetic.

Speaking of the Large Man, he and my mom have narrowed MY name down to a few choices. I still don't get a say, but at least they have been testing the names out when they talk to Mom's stomach. I'm not going to ruin the surprise here, because I was threatened with circumcision. How would I even let them know my disapproval. Fidget? They think that's cute. I would spit up, but I think at this point that ends up worse for me than either of them.

Anywho, I'm going to get some more of my 14 hours a day of sleep. Jealous? Check you during the third trimester.

                                                                    My Corner :(