Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Fever and My First (Solo) Bracket

Welp, I've now made it in the outside world as long as I was in the womb. As of my last doctor visit I am in a much lower percentile in weight and a much higher percentile in length. Also, I'm working on popping out my eighth (!) tooth. And for the first time in my short life, I'm dealing with a fever. The Tall Man says the only prescription is more cowbell, but the nurse says fevers are healthy at my age to chase away the bad stuff. Good thing too, because I have no idea what a cowbell is.

Last March I talked about how the Tall Man was all atwitter about March Madness. This year, I filled out my own bracket (with the help of Cheerios, Puffs and blind luck). I picked Kansas to win it all which I thought was pretty should have seen the Tall Man blow his top. But now I know why he's insane. Have you seen these games? THEY'RE CRAZY. Even Taller men making baskets, beating buzzers and kissing cheerleaders. I may have to become a basketball player. Wink.

Speaking of becoming things, I am becoming quite the army crawler, puller upper and stander. Mom thinks I am close to actual crawling, but she's been saying that for about a third of my life. Has it really been since New Year's since I've done a blog? Holy cow. I am now at a new Day Care. It's over at Miss Loreez house. I have made an incredible amount of friends. I can't count but there must be a hunred of em. They are very encouraging when I pop a tooth or stand up on my own or make a mess everywhere. I'm usually doing one of the three.  In the looks department, you may notice I am now much sleeker. I got my third (!) haircut recently.

Now that I have myself a nice little routine down, I will definitely try to do this more often, especially after my first Easter. I'm really looking forward to that, because it will be nice to know what Easter means. I hope there are Peeps involved. Eli, out.