Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hellllooooo! La La La

What an eventful week...where to begin...

First of all, I was born. My official name is Elijah James Fox, but you can call me Eli - nice to meet you. Mom and the tall man (whom I'm told is called 'dad', but that's going to take some getting used to) went to the hospital in the middle of the night on Friday. I was not messing around; I came out at a little after 7am Saturday morning. Mom didn't get any of her 'feel better' medicine in time for me to come out but she doesn't seem mad at me.

There were very nice people at the building where I was born, especially Nurse Katina and Nurse Laura who helped my parents keep it together for two days. I'll tell you who was not nice though: Dr. Wheeler, who should have been called Dr. Wielder, the way he was coming at me with a knife. I don't know what was wrong with my dingus before, but it better be more efficient now.

The road home was a little bumpy. They tried to put me in my car seat and the straps wouldn't adjust and go all the way around my body. As if I didn't have body weight issues before! They even had to send the tall man, er Dad, out to get a new seat, but Mom saved the day as usual and fixed it.

I finally met my brother, the dog, who is known as Charlie, Charles, Char Dog, Chuckles and words that I'm not supposed to know yet, so I don't know what his actual name is. So far, we are very leery of each other but I'm sure we'll at least grow to tolerate each other. So, the gang is finally all together and now the real fun can start, right? I've included some photos from my first few days on Planet Earth. Mom says I look like the tall man and the tall man says I look like the dog.  Judge for yourself

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