Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Summer (went by in a) Breeze

Holy cow has the summer flown by. I had a birthday, went to a 'Cardinals' game and watched things esplode at the ocean. Now, as I prepare to go back to Miss Lawrie's house next week, I thought I would peruse my memory banks and give you a nice little synopsis of the last two months. (that word-a-day calendar is really paying off, eh?)

Since I last talked to you, I turned one year old. People came over to our house and gave me all kinds of presents and I got to bury my face in a big cake! Actually, Creepy Uncle Cooper helped me out with that a little bit. I got all kinds of cool toys, books, puzzles and even clothes that I could get into, literally and figuratively. I've tried to play with everything but I really enjoy my gyrating crab and Royals/Cardinals Bat/Ball from the Tall Man's shorter friend and a dumb truck from Uncle Brian and Aunt Jen that I like to ride around in.

Fourth of July with Nana and Papa was cool for me in more ways than one. I'm told the temperature was lower than normal and even though I was around for last year's holiday, I was like a month old so I'll have to take their word for it. I also got to see strange men and women set things on fire and make them go boom. Which was awesome! If this is what it means to be Merican, count me in. Unfortunately because of the weather we didn't get to travel the seven seas, but I plan to go out on the ship later this month.

Then last weekend I got to hang out with Grandma Fox and crazy Aunt Suzy (and of course Mom and the Tall Man) as we went to Springfield to watch the Baby Cardinals play baseball. Even though they were babies like me, they use biggers bats and balls than I use at home. There was good food and drinks and I did my best to boogie down to the seventh inning stretch. I can't wait until we see an Adult Cardinals game.

Mom and the Tall Man want to see me take steps to get where I'm going but I don't really understand why. I get around really well by crawling and cruising along the furniture and walls. They also want me to start talking like them. I think they should learn how to talk like me! They are supposed to be the intelligent ones. Perhaps I'll start walking and talking at Lawrie's...that'll show em!

Friday, June 3, 2016

I Was On a Boat!

Guess what you guys? I've almost been out and about in the world for a whole year! I feel like the Tall Man - old. More on my birfday in a later blog. Today, I thought I would tell you about the week I had leading up to it. It's been the first week where I haven't been at Miss Lawree's. Mom's been real busy trying to get me to stop doing things.

Over the weekend, we celebrated Muhmorial Day by going to Nana and Papa's house at the ocean. The first day we were there, I got to go out on their ship in the ocean for the first time. I had a blast! I really love the wind in my face so Papa going full-throttle was really exciting. I had trouble finding a life-jacket that was snug enough for me to be the proverbial bug in a rug. I think I pulled it off though.

That same day, the Tall Man was completely embarrassed by the rest of the family in a little neighborhood wasyurs tournament. After that though, he lifted me up so I could dunk a basketball on what seemed like a 20 foot rim, but my perspective may have been off. The next day, the rest of the family went out with the ship again and I stayed at the ocean house with Nana for some quality time.

Speaking of quality time, Grandma Fox came over Monday and we went out to eat barbeeque, which I was told was what you do on Muhmorial Day. The rest of the week Mom and the tall man, mostly Mom have been getting things ready for my party. It's going to be a Cardinals theme, but the Tall Man's shorter friend Crabtree thinks I still have time to be a Royals fan, of all things. He even got me a Royals bat and ball set to go with a Cardinals bat and ball. He also got me a shifty crab that shuffles around on the ground: I've been obsessed with it. I can't wait to see what else I get for my birfday. And I can't wait to let you know after this weekend!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Not Once, Not Twice, But Thrice

Life is rough, y'all. I have a multitude of rashes happening. The doctors are nice and baffled. Some say eggzima, some say a virus, some say I just can't keep the drool off my skin. I'm worried it may be all of the above. I have always had some kind of rash on my lower face: you know, my chin, my other chin, my double chin. So, that's just parfer the course. But it's not the main course.

That would be the little spots all over me. They washed over me two weeks Lawree ago. The 'doctor' said it was a virus like in a computer but it never went away and I went back this week and my doc, Dr. Wielder, said it's eggzima, (eggzima, Gross!) but I also have Hand, Foot, Mouth, Hoof, Diaper disease. Strike Two, Nothing ever materialized with that, so I pretty much just have the eggzima, which is better than several virusi.

Dr. Wielder did say eggzima is usually chronic when I'm this young...soooo, I'll be battling it for about a year before we can truly get a handle on it. Awesome right? I'm a hot mess. But, you know me: I'm still very happy-go-lucky and I'll get through this and be as adorable as always. Humble too :). Here's a stupid picture of me with my hair in the tail of a pony. I think I need another haircut. What do you think?

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bunnies, Eggs and Opening Day

Your boy Eli is knocking through his firsts: I had my first Easter, which included my first Easter egg hunt, my first full week with Nana and PaPa, and my first Opening Day. But, before I get to those things I thought I would update you on the happy-haps...In the Tall Man's office pool for his talkie show, I didn't do as good as I would have liked. The team I picked to win it all was Kansas and they lost before getting to the final four. The Tall Man was really happy when that happened, but it made me sad. I didn't come in last though, so that's something. Not bad for a guy that picked using Cheerios and Puffs.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Fever and My First (Solo) Bracket

Welp, I've now made it in the outside world as long as I was in the womb. As of my last doctor visit I am in a much lower percentile in weight and a much higher percentile in length. Also, I'm working on popping out my eighth (!) tooth. And for the first time in my short life, I'm dealing with a fever. The Tall Man says the only prescription is more cowbell, but the nurse says fevers are healthy at my age to chase away the bad stuff. Good thing too, because I have no idea what a cowbell is.

Last March I talked about how the Tall Man was all atwitter about March Madness. This year, I filled out my own bracket (with the help of Cheerios, Puffs and blind luck). I picked Kansas to win it all which I thought was pretty should have seen the Tall Man blow his top. But now I know why he's insane. Have you seen these games? THEY'RE CRAZY. Even Taller men making baskets, beating buzzers and kissing cheerleaders. I may have to become a basketball player. Wink.

Speaking of becoming things, I am becoming quite the army crawler, puller upper and stander. Mom thinks I am close to actual crawling, but she's been saying that for about a third of my life. Has it really been since New Year's since I've done a blog? Holy cow. I am now at a new Day Care. It's over at Miss Loreez house. I have made an incredible amount of friends. I can't count but there must be a hunred of em. They are very encouraging when I pop a tooth or stand up on my own or make a mess everywhere. I'm usually doing one of the three.  In the looks department, you may notice I am now much sleeker. I got my third (!) haircut recently.

Now that I have myself a nice little routine down, I will definitely try to do this more often, especially after my first Easter. I'm really looking forward to that, because it will be nice to know what Easter means. I hope there are Peeps involved. Eli, out.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, Same Loaded Diaper

Hey Ya'll. It's officially been a year of me bending your ear telling you about my journey into and through this crazy world. Thank you for staying with me through birth, the naming process, rolling over, getting my first haircut and enjoying my first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Yom Kippur, Columbus Day...and I think there's several others that I'm forgetting.

Speaking of which, last week I enjoyed my first Christmas...what a dog-and-pony show that is. I was very fortunate to get toys, clothes, books, but I never get what I really want...real estate (Charlie Brown Christmas shout-out!). Seriously though, the rappeling paper and the boxes are enough for me. Have you seen that stuff, you can tear and rip it and if you get tired, you can just watch it twinkle. It's amazing! So, I must have been on Tall Man Claus' Nice List to get not only that, but such cool items also.

Then we had the festivities yesterday night: I went to bed in 2015 and woke up next year. Well, I woke up several times in between too because Mom, the tall man, Aunt Suz and Grandma were raising hell downstairs. The nerve! I forgave them pretty quickly though.

One thing that will change in 2016 is that I don't get to hang out with the Letter K every day anymore. I thought maybe she was tired of me, but she said I could come back and visit any time. So, once I get a hold of the tall man's keys, I'll cruise on over there. In the meantime, I will now be hanging out with Lori, Man of the House. Word on the street is that there will be other little humans there and I don't know how I feel about that. Hopefully they smell better than the dog...nailed it!