Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm a boy!

Surprise! The cat is out of the bag...Mom and Dad saw my tiny Fox and now the whole world knows I'm a boy. Now, the search for a name begins.

In my last post, I told you I knew what sex I was - of course I did. I've been very proud of my penis since it formed. I even showed it off right away when the parents were spying on me with their fancy ultrasound. But I can't lie and say I know what my name is...for some reason, that's their choice.

I'm just as curious as you are. To be honest, that's why I was so anxious to show off my winky, because the sooner they knew I was a boy, the quicker the can give me my handle. Other news that made everyone happy was that I appear to be very healthy. I do feel pretty good. My face is rounding into shape and as you can see by the picture below, I've been doing a lot of arm curls in here...not much else to do.

I am a very lean, mean 14 ounces and am in the 60th percentile in size for boys my age. So, the line for suitors begins behind my mom, ladies. As you can see, I'm not shy.

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