Holy cow has the summer flown by. I had a birthday, went to a 'Cardinals' game and watched things esplode at the ocean. Now, as I prepare to go back to Miss Lawrie's house next week, I thought I would peruse my memory banks and give you a nice little synopsis of the last two months. (that word-a-day calendar is really paying off, eh?)
Since I last talked to you, I turned one year old. People came over to our house and gave me all kinds of presents and I got to bury my face in a big cake! Actually, Creepy Uncle Cooper helped me out with that a little bit. I got all kinds of cool toys, books, puzzles and even clothes that I could get into, literally and figuratively. I've tried to play with everything but I really enjoy my gyrating crab and Royals/Cardinals Bat/Ball from the Tall Man's shorter friend and a dumb truck from Uncle Brian and Aunt Jen that I like to ride around in.
Fourth of July with Nana and Papa was cool for me in more ways than one. I'm told the temperature was lower than normal and even though I was around for last year's holiday, I was like a month old so I'll have to take their word for it. I also got to see strange men and women set things on fire and make them go boom. Which was awesome! If this is what it means to be Merican, count me in. Unfortunately because of the weather we didn't get to travel the seven seas, but I plan to go out on the ship later this month.
Mom and the Tall Man want to see me take steps to get where I'm going but I don't really understand why. I get around really well by crawling and cruising along the furniture and walls. They also want me to start talking like them. I think they should learn how to talk like me! They are supposed to be the intelligent ones. Perhaps I'll start walking and talking at Lawrie's...that'll show em!