Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bunnies, Eggs and Opening Day

Your boy Eli is knocking through his firsts: I had my first Easter, which included my first Easter egg hunt, my first full week with Nana and PaPa, and my first Opening Day. But, before I get to those things I thought I would update you on the happy-haps...In the Tall Man's office pool for his talkie show, I didn't do as good as I would have liked. The team I picked to win it all was Kansas and they lost before getting to the final four. The Tall Man was really happy when that happened, but it made me sad. I didn't come in last though, so that's something. Not bad for a guy that picked using Cheerios and Puffs.

As for my Easter, I'm not going to pull a Kevin Harlan and make a joke, mostly because I have no idea what Easter is. I know we went to church where I was plied with Cheerios which worked like a charm. Then we went to Great Aunt Carol's house where I got the chance to look for random eggs that were, for some reason, sprinkled in Carol's yard. Makes you wonder why she's called 'great' doesn't it? Winky face.

After all the holiday excitement, I stayed with Nana and PaPa until yesterday morning. During the week, I split time between O'Falcon and their house on the ocean. My cousins, Jet and Turbo were there. The best part was that the dog (Charlie) wasn't there and I had free reign to roam wherever I pleased. And I pleased, believe me. We even met a puppy that didn't lick my face or bite my socks or lick my face or steal my food or lick my face. So, it was a fun time!

Speaking of the dog treating me like a chew toy, I got to play around on the ground downstairs for the first time this weekend (another first!). Normally, I just crawl around on the karpet upstairs in my room or the Tall Man's Tall Man Cave. Me and Charlie are still feeling each other out, but I think it went ok for our first try. I tried to help the Tall Man root on the Cardinals but they looked pretty terrible. I'm not being a good boy and going right to sleep so I may get to see the Royals open their season too! Keep your fingers crossed.

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